Host: Yorm Ackuaku

Yorm Ackuaku

Yorm Ackuaku is the founder of esSense 13, a platform dedicated to raising the profile of African food globally through interactive online and offline experiences. Since its inception in 2014, esSense 13 has hosted several events including the African continent's first food hackathon, food business pitch competitions, and dining experiences in Accra, New York City, Washington D.C. and London. In 2018, Yorm launched '˜Item 13: An African Food Podcast1, an audio production of esSense 13 that celebrates the stories of African food entrepreneurs around the world. Yorm is currently based in Seattle.

Item 13: An African Food Podcast

A podcast on all things African food! Every other week, we delve into the world of African food chefs, curators and bloggers. Interviews with African food entrepreneurs cover new African cuisine, customer experiences, the role of social media in promoting African food and much, much more. ‘Item 13‘ in Ghanaian slang, refers to food/snacks usually following a meeting or program of events. Back in the day, food refreshments were typically the 13th item on a meeting agenda.
