Chef Paul Gerard, The Rev Spyro and Crazy Legs Conti will be take shots and pokie fun at some of the most bizarre, amusing and ridiculous trends to hit the culinary world, along with a revolving door of special guests.
Tune in for the season finale of Eating Disorder as Chef Paul, Crazy Legs Conti, and The Rev Spyro discuss the things we put in our mouths along with guest, porn actress MaryJean Vargas. What a show! This program was brought to you by Roberta's.
This week on Eating Disorder, Chef Paul Gerard, Crazy Legs Conti, and The Rev Spyro are talking death with Louise de Winter, a creative director for the afterlife known to many as the "Mary Poppins of Death." With a mission is to disrupt the death industry by 'doing death differently,' she believes that by embracing death we can truly embrace ...
This week on Eating Disorder, tune in as The Rev Spyro and Crazy Legs Conti are letting the bartenders bitch! Talking crazy bar stories with Brian Groux and Allison Zemple of The Bounty and The Drink, located in Greenpoint and East WIlliamsburg, respectively, tune in to hear the highlights and lowlights of bartending. This program was brought ...
What the fork are you eating? When your groceries are labeled "low-fat," "sugar-free," and even "natural" and "antibiotic-free," it's easy to assume that you're making healthy choices. Tonight on Eating Disorder, The Rev Spyro and Crazy Legs Conti welcome back Chef Paul Gerard to the studio as well as author Stefanie Sacks, MS, CNS, CDN. ...
This week on Eating Disorder, Spyro and Crazy Legs are joined by Berns Rothchild and Chris Smith - the minds behind Animals We Eat, a children's book made by a vegetarian and a carnivore who both agree that there's a disconnect between the the farm and the table. They chat about edible animals, competitive eating, fast food and kids. This ...
Less and less we see the corporate world's clowns, animals anthropomorphic food mascots, in media today. Why the mass extinction? What is killing Toucan Sam, the Keebler Elf, and Ronald McDonald? Find out on this week's episode of Eating Disorder as Crazy Legs Conti, The Rev Spyro, and guest Kiran Aditham navigate the best and worst of the ...
This week on Eating Disorder, Crazy Legs Conti and The Rev Spyro welcome friend Bryan Wetzel, known to many as an urban bee keeper as well as friends known as "Team Pizza." Telling the tales of a honey producing bee keeper, he schools the guys on queen bees and the worst ways to be stung. Conversation turns from bees and honey to Bryan's day ...
Eating Disorder guest Hogan Gorman was living the typical New York working actor's life-auditions and classes by day, waitressing and fending off handsy customers by night - when she asked the universe for a change. And she got one-coming at her at forty miles per hour. HIT BY A CAR and suffering debilitating injuries, and with NO HEALTH ...