Series No Chefs Allowed

Host: HRN Host
HRN Host

Engineered by: HRN Staff
Produced by: HRN Staff

Meet the Amazing Cider Man


Today Megan and Tricia talk with the founder of Virtue Cider, Greg Hall. Brewmaster turned cider maker, Greg is producing hard cider in Hard cider at his farm in Michigan with cider making skills and techniques from countries like England, Ireland, and Spain. He talks about why he thinks hard cider hasn't been well represented here...and how ...



Welcome into the secret society call ManBQue. That right, it is men and barbecue. That's it. Nothing more. Just a bunch of grown men coming together every once and awhile with Meat (no veg allowed), and fire. Sounds like there is beer and music involved too. What started out as a small group has gone crazy with chapters all over the county. ...

Memories of Family and Food


You gotta love a good memoir. Add the food angle and it gets even better. We No Chefs (Megan and Tricia) both recently read the book Memoirs of a Sunday Brunch. We loved it so much, we wanted to talk to the book's author, Julia Pandl. Julia's book is a wonderful story about growing up in her dad's restaurant. The stories she tells, as the ...

Dinner Parties


What if you threw a dinner party every night? Well, that's what Megan and Tricia's guest, Anne Boninsegna and her parter Jen Lindsey do at their recently opened concept, The Kitchen. They've created an experience that blurs the lines between patron and chef, putting together menus, doing the grocery shopping and all the clean up as the guest ...

Everything I Needed to Know I Learned From Meal Sharing


Your mother always taught you to share. She just may have not taught you about a cool way to do it. Megan and Tricia talk with Jay Savsani, Founder and CEO of His platform is allowing people, traveling across the country or just around the corner, to connect with other like-minded individuals over a home cooked meal. ...

The seeds….someone save the seeds!


Megan and Tricia talk to Grant Olsen the community program manager for Seed Savers Exchange, Seed Savers Exchange is dedicated to preserving and sharing seeds --seeds that have been sown for generations -- and seeds that may be on the verge of extinction. Grant explains the not-for-profit's mission and what they are doing to ...

The Next Big Thing from Appalachia


The next big thing -- and its coming from Appalachia!Can't help but want to know her, right? Her name is Joyce Pinson and she is a writer and blogger in Kentucky's Appalachia. Besides the appeal of her hat, she is a crazy local food advocate, a gardener, a proud hillbilly, and lives in a barn. That's right, a big red barn. Joyce tells us ...

Slow Cooking with the Crockpot Whisperer


Ahhh, the crockpot. We all have one, and maybe even use it to make soup, or beans...or just to keep the hot dogs warm. But Crockpot Whisperer, Kathy Hester has a completely different take on the crockpot. In fact, she has a bit of a crockpot obsession (she owns more than 15). But these aren't just for show, she really knows how to get the ...