Series The Big Food Question

How can our food system rebuild and reimagine amid the unprecedented crisis of COVID-19 and a long overdue reckoning with generations of inequity? As every corner of the food world grapples with issues that will define its future, The Big Food Question will tackle practical and philosophical questions alike for eaters, operators, and workers across food business sectors and topics. From restaurants and bars, to processors and distributors, from farms to food banks, The Big Food Question will feature expert guests who help us understand how industries can move forward while prioritizing safety, equity, and economic stability.


Host: HRN Staff
HRN Staff

Engineered by: HRN Staff
Produced by:
How Can Restaurants Survive Inflation?

How Can Restaurants Survive Inflation?


In March, the United States saw the highest rate of inflation in over 40 years. Coupled with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, like supply chain shortages, forced shutdowns and labor retention, restaurants are one of, if not, the most hardest hit demographic. Nearly 20% of New York City's restaurants shut down forever as a direct result ...
Why Should I Care About Bird Flu?

Why Should I Care About Bird Flu?


This year, avian influenza has caused the deaths of over 40 million birds in the United States, mostly commercial poultry. Those losses show up as higher prices on eggs and meat at the grocery store, but the disease also casts light on the highly industrialized way poultry is produced in this country. The changes needed to reduce the risk of ...
The State of Labor: What’s the Future of the Fishing Industry?

The State of Labor: What’s the Future of the Fishing Industry?


In the third episode of our mini-series on the state of labor, Harry Rosenblum, host of Feast Yr Ears and Time For Lunch, talks to Fred Mattera. Fred is currently the Executive Director at the Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island, and has been a commercial fisherman for over 4 decades. Harry and Fred discuss how equipment ...
The State of Labor: How Are Bars Staffing Up for the Holidays?

The State of Labor: How Are Bars Staffing Up for the Holidays?


In the second episode of our mini-series on the state of labor, Sother Teague, host of The Speakeasy, talks to Maria Bastasch. Maria is a Partner at Disco Mary, a cocktail bar and collective of individuals passionate about plants, people, and partying like there IS a tomorrow. Sother and Maria discuss the challenges that bar and restaurant ...
The State of Labor: What Can We Learn from Poultry Industry Organizing During the Pandemic?

The State of Labor: What Can We Learn from Poultry Industry Organizing During the Pandemic?


In the first episode of our mini-series on the state of labor, Katy Keiffer, host of What Doesn't Kill You, talks to Magaly Licolli.  Magaly is the Co-Founder and Director of Venceremos, an organization that advocates for poultry workers' rights in Arkansas, the home of Tyson Foods.  On this episode, Katy and Magaly discuss the idea ...
What is Regenerative Agriculture, Really?

What is Regenerative Agriculture, Really?


'Regenerative Agriculture Needs a Reckoning,' wrote Joe Fassler, Deputy Editor of The Counter. Joe started out writing a short news piece, and ended up with a 13,000-word investigation on how regenerative agriculture is being defined, who is defining it, and who gets left out from the debate. Kat Johnson talks to Joe about his reporting and ...
Is it Time to Reinvent Restaurants?

Is it Time to Reinvent Restaurants?


After closing Meme's Diner in November 2020, co-owner Libby Willis wanted to preserve the sense of community the restaurant fostered but wasn't ready to open another traditional restaurant. Instead, she has transformed what restaurant operations can look like. Her new enterprise, KIT, is operating as an incubator of sorts, sharing the burden ...
Can Online Food Businesses Pivot to In-Person Service?

Can Online Food Businesses Pivot to In-Person Service?


The challenges presented to restaurant owners during the pandemic have been countless. Some businesses have closed. Others have opted to ditch in-person dining and opted for take-away or delivery models. Both local meal delivery and nationwide shipping of meal kits and pantry staples have gained popularity. A rarer take is shifting a ...